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Throughout his career, Michel Alaux appeared in numerous national and international
newspaper and magazine articles including Midi Libre, L’Equipe, Le Monde, Le Figaro,
Marie Claire, LIFE, Sports Illustrated, The New Yorker, and The New York Times.
Written by Michel Alaux
Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 1975
“[Michel Alaux] stood at the pinnacle of his profession … this book is a testimony
to his credentials, a history that traces the fusion of nationally originated techniques
into an international style.”
Eugene Blanc, Jr.
ARTICLESPresident, New York Fencers Club. 1975
Michel Alaux wrote many articles on fencing. These were published in Le Bulletin des Maitres d’Armes;
L’Equipe; L’Escrime Francaise; The Fencing Master (UK); American Fencing; The Swordmaster.
As an expert, he served as consultant for encyclopedias and source materials and chaired the 1962-63 U.S.
committee that developed A Text for Defining Fencing Terms.
Le Bulletin des Maitres D'Armes (also known as Le Bulletin des Anciens d’Antibes) was a monthly bulletin
that Michel Alaux edited and published in Montpellier, France, from 1949 to 1953.
It was addressed to Fencing Masters throughout the world, who, like Michel, had undergone years of rigorous
training and embarked on their careers with idealism and passion. Like him, they were conscious of their
historical role as members of the new generation emerging from the ashes of the Second World War.
Like him, they felt keenly the weight of the past upon their shoulders.
…Il faut vivre avec son temps, c’est la dure loi de la vie. Il en est de l’Escrime, comme des autres activites de l’homme. Ce n’est qu’en regardant et en preparant l’avenir (en tenant compte des lecons du passé) que nous aurons rempli notre mission et accompli notre devoir… (Excerpt from a draft of the mission statement c.1949)
As the Readers’ letters make clear, the Bulletin became a lifeline for many of the young Fencing Masters
as they found themselves isolated and in precarious situations.
For other Readers, the Bulletin was a way to be involved in cutting edge discussions about the direction
of modern fencing.
The Readers/subscribers formed a tight-knit albeit far-flung community that extended around the globe
from Montpellier, Cap d’Antibes, Paris, and other French and European cities, to Casablanca, Rabat,
Didi-Bel-Abbes, Madagascar, Haiphong, Saigon, and Detroit.
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